Wednesday, 12 September 2012

PTO PICNIC : INTERACT CLUB BOOK SALE on Saturday the 8th of September from 11:00am to 12:30pm

THE INTERACT CLUB organized a book sale at the PTO Picnic which took place on the the 8th of September in ISK. Each student donated five books from their personal collections, either children's books or literature ones. Since my committee is in charge of advertising the club and its events, i designed a poster and made 25 copies, which me and a fellow interacted posted all around the school campus.

I signed up for a shift of one hour from 11:00 am till 12:00. So i was part of the group, which was in charge of organizing the tables and deciding of the disposition of the books to optimize the sales. As one of the board members, i was also in charge of setting up the prices for the books:

  • Small books: 100 KSH
  • Medium sized books (paper cover): 150 KSH
  • Medium sized books (hard cover): 200 KSH
  • Big books (paper cover): 250 KSH
  • Big books (hard cover): 300 KSH

We separated the books according to their size, their quality and their type of cover (paper or hard) which helped in setting the price (50 KSH difference). Adding to that, the books were also separated   according to the age group they were meant to be sold to.

This process required team work and leadership skills and fast decision making. At the end of the day i was informed that the book sale did great, so i was really proud of my contribution.

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