Tuesday, 20 March 2012

OVC TRIP : saturday 21th January 2012

THE INTERACT CLUB organizes an OVC trip once a month. This trip to an orphanage near ISK, is an opportunity for the members of the club to interact with less fortunate children. We visit them, bringing some food and comfort. We try to make them forget their condition and we play with them, read to them and draw with them. I went on my second OVC trip on the 29th of January, from 10:00 am till 12:00 pm.  First we all sat, ISK students and the disadvantaged children, in one big circle. In turn, every child presented a show for the rest of us : some recited poems, some sang and other danced. When our turn came up, some of us sang a famous song by Adele. As soon as the song was over, the children were divided into different groups. Some played football, others were drawing and the rest were playing dodgeball. I first helped some children with finding paper and color pencils, then i joined the dodgeball game. After a while I proposed to the others that we play the game: 1,2,3 RUN! It was very easy to explain and we all enjoyed it! I really had fun during these two hours and I didn't want to leave. But all good things must come to an end.

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